Top Plastic Surgery Trends of 2019

Body positivity is certainly on the rise, but as it turns out, plastic surgery is as well. Surgically enhanced beauty has become the status quo all over the world. These trends can change often, and at Cosmetic Surgery Cyprus we are always at the forefront of any developments. Here is a summary of the top plastic surgery trends for 2019.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation combines either round or anatomical implants with reshaping possibilities by tightening the existing skin. What makes this existing plastic surgery a trend for 2019 is the ability to sculpt a more natural plastic surgery trendsbreast with modern surgical techniques. Long gone are the days of a very fake and unnatural looking result and the modernisation of the breast augmentation surgery can offer fewer risks, a shorter recovery time and a more natural but enhanced result making it one of the most top plastic surgery trends in 2019.




Today’s increasing culture of working long days and in some cases nights can take their toll on our physical appearance. Sagging eyelids and puffiness plastic surgery trendsaround the eyes, which may contribute to a tired or sad appearance can be the result and therefore eye surgery is the second top plastic surgery trend of 2019. Blepharoplasty targets the areas around your eyes to remove excess skin and fat and tighten the muscles and tissues of the eyelid. It eliminates the skin that is drooping into the visual field and can improve peripheral vision.




Labia size and shape is as individual as eye colour however 2019 has seen an increase in labiaplasty surgery. Athletic women can sometimes experience discomfort when exercising due to their labia and therefore as the number of female athletes increases so do those considering a labiaplasty, which can be performed for either aesthetic or comfort purposes. The process reshapes the labia, usually reducing its length. In 2019, this surgery can be performed under local anaesthesia and is very simple with the recovery being short and easy.


Nose reshaping leads the facial plastic surgery trends for 2019 and a rhinoplasty can completely renovate your face and impact your overall plastic surgery trendsappearance and facial symmetry. Your nose is the focal point of your face and even minor flaws can have detrimental effects on your appearance and confidence as a result. Fortunately, this means that small surgical changes to the nose can have a very big impact. A rhinoplasty is truly the most finesse procedure in all of plastic surgery, and at Cosmetic Surgery Cyprus our doctor has performed hundreds of these procedures with incredible results.




Tummy tucks are another plastic surgery trend that keeps gaining traction each year and is firmly on the top plastic surgery trends for 2019. There are many people who are unable to get rid of that last bit of belly fat, sagging or loose skin in the abdominal area due to age, weight loss, and/or pregnancy. Tummy tucks offer a viable solution to this problem and are a great way to reach the end goal of flat stomach you’ve worked hard for.


Facelifts are sometimes required to correct sagging facial skin and are the second facial surgery on our top plastic surgery trends list of 2019. People are now living longer and social media trends mean they are wanting to look at their best and reduce the effects of ageing and facelifts are becoming a more sought out procedure because of this. The procedure removes excess facial skin and can also tighten the underlying tissues, and it may be combined with further surgery to enhance the forehead, cheeks, brows, and eyelids.

Whatever surgery you are considering visit to get all the information on treatments we can offer.

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